A Correspondence From Our अΣO אن冬宮,
Regarding Our अΣO אن冬宮,
And These Interim Facilties
Love and Peace, Members: Families and Friends.

1st, we emphasise that our अΣO אن冬宮 (Asona Ashram) is a collective of numerous families and friends from different religions, ethnicities, nations,and cultures and traditions. Despite some appearances, our अΣO אن冬宮 is other than an individual endeavour employed by Peter Frank WomackJohannesen Osisi or another other single individual. It is a cooperative effort.
Peter is, indeed, a significant factor within the conceptualisation and development of our अΣO אن冬宮; however, it may be considered that his role is increasingly comparable to that of a communicator/facilitator (a mediator and spokesman), rather than a CEO, pastor, or despot. Peter possesses certain intrinsic and learned qualities that prove him to be rather resilient amidst the severe criticism, antagonism, hostility, and ostracising that “bridge building” endeavours, such as our अΣO אن冬宮, historically conjure. Yet, with increased interaction with Peter (and the family members and friends around him), the nature of this collective and cooperation is increasingly evident.
Indeed, much of the previous hostility towards people such as Peter and these types of endeavours seems to be considerably subsiding. Our general international community (throughout the Earth and even within the United States) seems to be increasingly receptive to genuine (and even challenging) messages that solicit our respective religious, ethnic, and national communities to be proficiently reconciled with each other in serious and sustaining manners. Whilst there is a tremendous amount still to achieve, and whilst we can expect to always have our differences, there are an increasing number of individuals who are publicly standing with friends like Peter. The “Prophetic” stance of Peace and reconciliation is increasingly becoming the norm of society; as we are better understanding that it is, undoubtedly, the need of society. And as we each make this stand, it becomes easier to see and embrace each other.
This correspondence is actually provided to describe the immediate living arrangements of our अΣO אن冬宮. And, indeed, to proficiently explain this, it is appropriate to provide some background information regarding Peter’s involvement with our अΣO אن冬宮, and specifically with the immediate interim facilities of our अΣO אن冬宮.
11 years ago, after Peter graduates from law school, he openly challenges the actions and legitimacy of the United States government (including the American citizens that effectively comprise the government). Peter does thiswith particular concern regarding the US reaction to the attacks of 11 September. Residing within his childhood home with his mor (mother), Peter tries to find viable employment, given both his professional training and politics. However, during this period and because of these circumstances, his parents experience significant fears for the safety of himself and those around him. And within a few months after returning home, his parents sign a court order to have him forcefully committed within a psychiatric facility.
Peter is physically assaulted, forcefully drugged, and detained indefinitely. He is repeatedly commanded by psychiatric professionals to acquiesce to the psychiatric diagnosis that is made, and comply with the “treatment plan” that is proscribed for him. Questioning the psychiatric fitness, stigmatising, and ostracising are common methodologies that governments employ in attempts to discredit and undermine the proclamations of political dissidents. Within the case of the United States, such methodologies are employed without any crime actually being committed or any crime even being charged; thuscircumnavigating the safeguards of habeas corpus and other rights of legal due process.
And, indeed, amidst maintaining his political resolve, Peter finds the prospect of challenging his family exceedingly difficult, and thus he partially relents. As part of the condition for his release, Peter agrees to continue taking the drugs and he signs a number of documents that establish an official arrangement between himself and the US government: he receives social security payments predicated upon the status of having a mental disability. Whilst he categorically disputes the psychiatric diagnosis and the actions taken by the governmental authorities and his family, he has difficulty finding another solution at that moment. And thus, he avails himself to the obvious scrutiny regarding the legitimacy of his preceding political proclamations, and indeed, the very soundness of his mental faculties.
Upon taking the drugs and signing the documents, Peter is released from the psychiatric institution and returns to live in his childhood home, with his mor. The prospect of conventional professional employment becomes increasingly nebulous with the stigmitisation of mental illness. However, despite these obvious challenges, Peter actually finds significant advantages within the arrangements. Ironically, with the social security payments, he is able to complete diplomatic travels to Cuba, the United Nations, and additionally, advocating the political platform of people such as himself. Yet, of much higher significance, Peter is able to utilise the hours, space, and quiet to study comparative religion (specifically Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam), and becoming increasingly involved within theInterFaith Movement.
And for the next 5 years, that is what he does: study religion and conductinterFaith work. And whilst the pretences for receiving the social security payments are substantially disagreeable, Peter recognises that the arrangement enables him to conduct such work and studies; so he continues doing so. Also during this period, he is repeatedly forcefully detained in psych wards, in each case without committing a crime, without a crime being charged, and without any arrest being made. Peter’s mor also establishes an agreement with a local municipality to assert “legal guardianship” over Peter.
Soon after his far (father) passes from life, Peter’s mor again has Peter forcefully committed within a psychiatric institution, with similar stipulations for release. However, on this occasion, Peter’s mor communicates that he is unwelcome to return to live in the same house with her. Instead, he is transferred to a “group house.” Soon, thereafter, he moves into a single apartment. The resources for the residential apartment are provided through the social security payments and a modest stipend established through the estate of Peter’s far. The cost of a single apartment and basic living expenses significantly exceed the social security payments; and by that point, Peter has yet to establish sufficient economic viability and support directly, and exclusively, through his religious studies and interFaith work. It is explainedthat the stipend from his far’s estate can only last approximately 2 years, and after that point, additional living arrangements are required.
During this same period, information is provided regarding a newly renovated apartment building being let out by Jewish Family Services (with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland). The explanation is that the building is subsidised by the US government, with the stipulation that the flats be let out to individuals who are diagnosed with a mental illness. So, at that point, the short-term prospects for Peter are either to relocate into subsidised housing within the next 2 years, and under such pretences, or to prepare to live homeless on the street. Whilst being prepared to live on the street, Peter considers the benefits he can provide in living in an apartment, maintaining direct communications with people (particularly via the phone and internet), and continuing his religious studies and interFaith work in a considerably proficient manner. Thus, he decides to relocate within the government subsidised flat provided by JFSA.
In addition to the reinforcement of disagreeable pretences, there are further stipulations regarding residency within these flats. 1 of these stipulations is that residency is limited to only 1 person. And for the past 4 years, this is where Peter resides.
Yet, there is also a broader perspective. During the past 2 decades, our अΣOאن冬宮 gradually comes into formation. Through numerous conversations, studies, activism, and plain work, prayer, and meditation, the actuality of ourअΣO אن冬宮 becomes increasingly tangible. The term, “Asona,” is 1st coined during the development of a benevolent endeavour built by Avo Adorian, George Naggiar, Sean Basinski, Nathaniel Lincoln Mills, Malika Saada Saar, Meredith May Jolivert, Betsy Tao, Chinedu Amankulor, Keesonga Gore, Gabriel Santos, Michael Troncoso, Dillon Kim, and Peter WomackJohannesen Osisi. Amidst certain support challenges, the venture is placed on hiatus. Yet, within the next 2 years after this hiatus begins, the concept of ourअΣO אن冬宮 begins to take form.
Amidst the convening of the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona, nearly a decade ago, numerous friends from different religions, nations, ethnicities, and organisations, participate within an online forum operated through the auspices of the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions. It is from this dialogue that the initiative of the InterFaithSettlement is cultivated: a planned community specifically predicated upon religious and ethnic pluralism, socioeconomic balance, environmental harmony, and transcendent higher education. A few years later, the InterFaithSettlement Foundation takes root within our Cuyahoga area.
Amidst the immediate challenges of building an actual, physical community, short-term concentration is shifted towards constructing a “scaled-down,” neighbourhood version: a Micro Community. And this is the emergence of our UNI Village, which is continuing to develop and take form. And amidst the diplomacy and politics involved in establishing our UNI Village, there is an increased necessity for an even “higher-concentrated” version of such pluralistic and harmonious living; and this precipitates the official opening of our अΣO אن冬宮: a plural, diverse, harmonious community gathering centre.
The long-term plan is for our अΣO אن冬宮 to be physically constructed and situated within our UNI Village, specifically at the corner of Stokes Blvd and Cedar Avenue, within our Cuyahoga area (and specifically within our Φ; स.僧伽.С.Σ.ω.S.
.:*.U.ส.ש, University Circle Sangha). However, there is the anticipation of these arrangements requiring a certain duration for proficient fruition. Thus in the meanwhile, the intention is to continue operating our अΣO אن冬宮 through the interim facilities of a nearby residential house, preferably within the Coventry area of our Φ; स.僧伽.С.Σ.ω.S.
.:*.U.ส.ש. Yet, whilst even these short term arrangements are being secured, the intention is to continue operating our अΣO אن冬宮 through facilities that are immediately available. And given the previously referenced qualities of Peter Frank Womack Johannesen Osisi, the decision is made to establish our अΣO אن冬宮 interim facilities within his residential accommodations.

We recognise that Peter is able to conduct a tremendous amount of interreligious diplomacy within the local Cuyahoga area, as well as regionally and internationally. Whilst there may be certain disagreement and uneasiness with some of his stances and decisions, he is able to build relationships and friendships with a genuine plurality of numerous religious leaders, religious adherents, and interFaith activists. And this balance of trust is important in establishing a foundation of cooperation within an endeavour such as ourअΣO אن冬宮. Indeed, the continuing operations of our अΣO אن冬宮 within the current interim facilities of 2724 Mayfield Road #10 provide us with additional strength to generate interest and material support from within our respective extended communities, to be able to provide our अΣO אن冬宮 and additional, similarly-predicated initiatives with the direct material support that is necessary for such initiatives, and indeed for the sustained wellbeing and prosperity of our respective communities.
We trust that Peter genuinely cares for the wellbeing of those around him (individuals directly involved with our अΣO אن冬宮, and additionally). We also trust him to be considerate in attending to the balance of interests of individuals, families, organisations, and communities involved and affected by our अΣO אن冬宮.
The restriction regarding the number of residents within the dwelling of 2724 Mayfield Road #10 can be readily dismissed on basic principles of contractual law, US constitutional law, international human rights law, and the respective traditional law of the many religions of humanity (including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam). This involves simple principles of hospitality, religious integrity, community benefit, and immediate necessity; compassion, benevolence, righteousness.
Thus we affirm the legitimacy of our अΣO אن冬宮 remaining at 2724 Mayfield #10, until additional facilities are arranged. And may we all continue to better live, work, and grow with each other with enhancing Peace, understanding, and cooperation.
Love and Peace,
Our अΣO אن冬宮

Ingatka(Tagolog).Wominjeka(Wurundjeri).Aloha(Hawai’ian).Peace(Common Symbol).Peace(Common Sign).Peace(American Sign).Peace(American Braille).
Om. Amen.
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