Saturday, January 2, 2016

Week 5 Day 3; Judaism; Beresheit 23:3 - 4

"Then (Avraham) rose from beside his dead, and spoke to the Hittites, saying, 'I am a resident alien among you; sell me a burial site among you, that I may remove my dead for burial.'" (Beresheit/Genesis 23:3 - 4, from the Torah of Judaism).
When his wife, Sarah, passes from life, Avraham is required to negotiate a purchase of land for a proper burial. As a stranger amongst the locals, he proceeds in a very humble, forthright, and righteous manner, eventually providing the price that the steward of the land states. Have you ever been involved in a business negotiation where you righteously acquiesce to the demand of the other side, even when you can argue for increasingly favourable terms?
Love And Peace.

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