
Shalom (Hebrew).Namaste (Sanskrit).Samadhi
(Thai/Pali).Pax (Latin).Salaam (Arabic).Peace (English).
Sat Nam (Punjabi).Solh (Persian).Kwey (Algonquin).Amani
(Swahili).Udo (Ibo).Barish (Turkish).
Erieni (Greek). Pache (Italiano).Paz (Espanol).Paix (Francais).Fred
Frieden (Deutsch).Siochana (Irish). Mir
(Russian).Amin (Urdu).Heping (Mandarin).
Heiwa (Japanese).Pyeonghwa (Korean).Ingatka
(Tagolog).Wominjeka (Wurundjeri).Aloha (Hawai’ian). Peace (Common Symbol).Peace
(Common Sign).Peace (American Sign).Peace (American Braille).
Akwaaba, Upendo Na Amani
3. Shalom Aleichem
2. Gayatri Mantra
Om. Mani. Padme. Hum.
4. (Excerpt From) Metta Sutta
10. Kyrie Eleison
8. Allah
Au Abha
5. Deus Noster
6. Allah Hu
Earth, My Body
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Sankta Lucia
Ate, Wakan Tanka
9. Jin Dan Shu Gan
7. Ra Ma Da Sa
17. Hiney Ma Tov
Peace Pole Song
May All Beings Be Well
1. “Akwaaba, Amani” (Traditional
Swahili, West African, South African; from South African Parliament; Elmina,
Ghana; Referred by Jared Akama Ondieki,
Peter John Kofi Donkor)
Ay: Akwaaba, Amani. (8x) (Translation: “Welcome, Peace”)
3. “Shalom Aleichem”
(Traditional Jewish; Referred by Jacob
Kabb, Peter Frank Womack)
upon you, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, Shalom
aleichem malachei ha-sharet malachei elyon,
שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם מַלְאֲכֵי
הַשָׁרֵת מַלְאֲכֵי עֶלְיוֹן
the Supreme (Sovereign) of (Sovereigns), the Holy One, blessed be (God). mi-melech malchei ha-melachim Ha-Kadosh Baruch
Hu. מִמֶלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְלָכִים
הַקָדוֹש בָרוּךְ הוּא
in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, Bo'achem le-shalom
malachei ha-shalom malachei elyon, בוֹאֲכֶם לְשָׁלוֹם
מַלְאֲכֵי הַשָׁלוֹם מַלְאֲכֵי עֶלְיוֹן
the Supreme (Sovereign) of (Sovereigns), the Holy One, blessed be (God). mi-melech malchei ha-melachim Ha-Kadosh Baruch
Hu. מִמֶלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְלָכִים
הַקָדוֹש בָרוּךְ הוּא
me with peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, Barchuni le-shalom
malachei ha-shalom malachei elyon, ברְכוּנִי לְשָׁלוֹם
מַלְאֲכֵי הַשָׁלוֹם מַלְאָכֵי עֶלְיוֹן
the Supreme (Sovereign) of (Sovereigns), the Holy One, blessed be (God). mi-melech
malchei ha-melachim Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu.
מִמֶלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְלָכִים
הַקָדוֹש ברוּךְ הוּא
your departure be in peace, messengers
of peace, messengers of the Most High, Tzeit'chem
le-shalom malachei ha-shalom malachei elyon,
צֵ אתְכֶם לְשָׁלוֹם מַלְאֲכֵי הַשָׁלוֹם מַלְאָכֵי
the Supreme (Sovereign) of (Sovereigns), the Holy One, blessed be (God). mi-melech malchei ha-melachim Ha-Kadosh Baruch
Hu. מִמֶלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְלָכִים
הַקָדוֹש בָרוּךְ הוּא
2. “Gayatri Mantra”
(Traditional Hindu; Provided by Sai Kolluru)
ॐ_भूर्भुवः॒स्वः_ Om
Bhur Bhuvah Svaha, Om:
Para Brahman; Bhur: The Physical Plane; Bhuvah: The Astral Plane; Svaha: The Celestial
तत्स॑वितुर्वरे॑ण्यं_। Tat Savitur Varenyam, Tat:
Ultimate Reality; Savitur: The Source of All; Varenyam: Fit to Be Worshiped;
भ॒र्गो॑_दे॒वस्य॑_धीमहि।_। Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Bhargo: The Spiritual Effulgence; Devasya: Divine Reality; Dhimahi: We Meditate;
धियो॒_यो_नः॑_प्रचो॒दया॑त्॥_। Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat. Dhiyo: Intellect; Yo: Which; Nah: Our; Prachodayat: Enlighten.
General Translation: “We meditate upon the spiritual effulgence of
that adorable Supreme Divine Reality, Who is the source of the physical, the
astral, and the heavenly spheres of existence.
May that Supreme Divine Being enlighten our intellect, so that we may
Realise the Supreme Truth.”
15. “Om.
Mani. Padme. Hum.” (Hinduism; Buddhism;
Sufism; Sanskrit; Referred by Tajalia, Jacob Kabb, and Sufi
Community of Cuyahoga, Interreligious Peace Makers)
Om. Mani.
Padme. Hum. (“Holy. Gem.
Lotus Flower. Holy.”)
4. (Excerpt From): “Mettā Sutta” (“Discourse on Loving
Theravadan Buddhism; by Indaratana Maha Thera;
Referred by BuddhaNet)
Sabbe sattā bhavantu
sukhitattā! May all beings be
happy and secure; May their hearts be happy!
10. “Kyrie, Eleison” (“Have Mercy, Lord”) (Greek,
Orthodox Christianity; Referred by
Robert Burns)
Kyrie, Eleison. (Have Mercy, Lord)
8. “Allah au Abha”
(Traditional Baha’i; Referred by Baha’i International Community, Cleveland
Heights Local Baha’i Assembly)
Allah au Abha. Allah au Abha. (God,
Most Glorious.)
Allah au Abha. Allah au Abha.
5. “Deus Noster” (“Lord’s Prayer”)
(Traditional Christian; Referred by Peter Frank Womack)
(Deus) noster, Qui es in
Caelis, Our
(God), Who art in Heaven,
Sanctificetur Nomen Tuum. Hallowed be
Thy name.
Adveniat Regnum Tuum. Thy
(Sovereignty) come.
Fiat Voluntas Tua, sicut
in Caelo et in terra. Thy Will be
done on Earth as It is in Heaven.
Panem nostrum quotidianum
da nobis hodie, Give us this day
our daily bread,
Et dimitte nobis debita
nostra, And
forgive us our trespasses,
sicut et nos dimittimus
debitoribus nostris. As we
forgive those who trespass against us.
Et ne nos inducas in
tentationem, And
lead us not into temptation,
Sed libera nos a malo.
Amen. But
deliver us from evil. Amen.
6. “Allah hu” (Traditional
Islamic; from Owais Raza Qadri; Referred
by YouTube)
||: Allah hu. Allah hu. Allah hu. Allah hu. (Allah, only Allah.)
Allah hu. Allah hu. Allah hu. Allah hu. :|| (2x)
||: La Ilaaha Ila Allah. La Ilaaha Ila Allah. (There is no deity
except Allah.)
La Ilaaha Ila Allah. La
Ilaaha Ila Allah. :|| (2x)
14. “Earth, Water, Air, Fire”
(Contemporary InterFaith; from Rainbow
Family of Living Light; Referred by
Aren, Moss, Liz, and Occupy Roadtrip)
Earth, my body; Water, my blood; Fire, my energy; Air, my breathing.
12. “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”
(Traditional African Slave Spiritual;
Referred by Peter Frank Womack)
Swing low, sweet
chariot; comin for to carry me home.
Swing low, sweet chariot; comin for to carry me home.
I looked over Yordan, and
what did I see; comin for to carry me
a band of angels comin
after me; comin for to carry me home.
Swing low, sweet
chariot; comin for to carry me home.
Swing low, sweet
chariot; comin for to carry me home.
13. “Sankta Lucia” (Traditional
Neopolitan Italiano, Scandinavian; Referred
by Jan Eliasson, United Nations, Vassa)
Sankta Lucia, ljusklara
hägring, Saint
Lucia, bright clear mirage,
sprid i vår vinternatt
glans av din fägring. Spread
in our winter splendour of your beauty.
||: Drömmar med vingesus
under oss sia, Dreams with
wings rustling, over us prophesy,
tänd dina vita ljus,
Sankta Lucia. :|| (2x) light
your white candles, Santa Lucia.
11. “Ate Wakan Tanka Unsimalayo” (“(Lord) (God)
Have Pity on Us All”) (Traditional
Lakotah, by Wancanyaca [Joseph Shields, Jr]; Referred by Bruce Kafer)
Ate Wakantanka heya uweyo. (Lord) Wakantanka says come.
Ate Wakantanka heya uweyo. (Lord) Wakantanka says come.
Ate Wakantanka onsimala
yo. (Lord) Wakantanka,
pity me.
Oyate, oyate zanni
cinpelo. The people,
the people want strong health.
Heya hoyewayelo. Saying that,
I send a voice.
Ate Wakantanka onsimala
yo. (Lord) Wakantanka,
pity me.
Oyate, oyate zanni
cinpelo. The people,
the people want strong health.
Heya hoyewayelo. Saying that,
I send a voice.
Pilamaya Yelo. (Thank
9. “Jin. Dahn. Shu. Gahn.” (Taoist Healing
Chant; from Zhi Gang Sha; Referred by YouTube)
Jin. Dahn. Shuuu. Ghan. Translations:
Jin-Dahn. Shuuu. Ghan. Jin
Dahn: Golden Light Above.
Jin-Dahn. Shuuu. Ghaaan. Shu: Smooth
Jin. Dahn. Shuuu. Ghan. Gahn: Liver
Jin. DHAAN. Shuuu. Ghan. Ju: Manage/Balance
7. “Ra Ma Dah Sa; Sa Say So Hung.”
(Traditional Sikh; by Snatam Kaur; Referred by YouTube)
||: Raa Maa Daa Saa. Raa:
Sun. Saa Say:
Totally of Infinity.
Saa Say So Hung. :|| (2x) Maa:
Moon. So: Personal Sense of Merger and Identity.
||: Raa Maa Daa Saa. Daa: Earth. Hung: The
Infinite Vibrating and Real.
Saa Say So Hung. :|| (2x) Saa: Impersonal Infinity.
16. “ShalOm”
(Contemporary/Traditional Hebrew/Sanskrit;
by Peter Frank Womack)
ॐשל ShalOhm ॐשל
17. “Hiney
Mah Tov” (“Behold, How Well”) (Traditional Jewish;
Referred by Jacob Kabb)
how well; behold, how well. Hiney
ma tov, Hiney ma tov. .הנה מה טוב . הנה מה טוב
Ley, ley, ley; ley, ley, ley, ley; ley, ley, ley. (2x) (2x) .לי לי לי, לי לי לי
לי, לי לי לי
for brethren to dwell
together in unity! Shevet akhim gam ya-chad.
(2x) (2x) .שבת אחים גם יחד
how well; behold, how well. Hiney ma tov, Hiney ma
tov. .הנה מה טוב .הנה מה
ley, ley; ley, ley, ley, ley; ley, ley, ley. (2x) (2x) .לי לי לי, לי לי לי
לי, לי לי לי
for sisters to dwell together in unity! Shevet akhit gam ya-chad. (2x) (2x) .שבת אחיות גם יחד
how well; behold, how well. Hiney ma tov, Hiney ma
tov. .הנה מה טוב .הנה מה
ley, ley; ley, ley, ley, ley; ley, ley, ley. (2x) (2x) .לי לי לי, לי לי לי
לי, לי לי לי
families to dwell together in unity! Shevet l’mishpachot gam ya-chad. (2x)
(2x) .שבת למשפחות גם יחד
how well; behold, how well. Hiney ma tov, Hiney ma tov.
.הנה מה טוב .הנה מה
ley, ley; ley, ley, ley, ley; ley, ley, ley. (2x) (2x) .לי לי לי, לי לי לי
לי, לי לי לי
Pole Song”
International; from Sam Hahn; Al Ridah Academy; Baha’i Centre of South Orange
County; Top of the World Elementary School; Journey School; New Horizon Elementary
School; Temple Beth El of South Orange County;
Referred by World Peace Prayer Society)
(Verse 1) (Verse
Salaam. Shalom. Wolakota.
Shanti; Salaam.
Shalom. Wolakota. Shanti;
Heiwa. Mir. Paz. Hoa Binh.
Amani. Heiwa.
Mir. Paz. Hoa Binh. Amani.
May Peace prevail
throughout the Earth, We
will all dance and celebrate,
For now and evermore. with
every nation and race.
May our children grow up
safely in, And
together, we will all create
a World without any war. a World
of beauty and grace.
A (part) of what makes a
pole for Peace: A (part) of
what makes a pole for Peace:
it stands up tall for our
release. it stands up tall for our
A World of kindness and
unity; A
world of kindness and unity;
a (part) of what makes a
pole for Peace. a
(part) of what makes a pole for Peace.
||: Salaam. Shalom. Wolakota. Shanti;
Mir. Paz. Hoa Binh. Amani. : || (2x)
Peace Prevail upon Earth.
19. “May All Beings Be Well”
(Contemporary Buddhism; by
Joe Miller; Referred by Robert Burns)
May all beings be well.
May all beings be happy.
Peace. Peace.

Shalom (Hebrew).Namaste (Sanskrit).Samadhi
(Thai/Pali).Pax (Latin).Salaam (Arabic).Peace (English).
Sat Nam (Punjabi).Solh (Persian).Kwey (Algonquin).Amani
(Swahili).Udo (Ibo).Barish (Turkish).
Erieni (Greek). Pache (Italiano).Paz (Espanol).Paix (Francais).Fred
Frieden (Deutsch).Siochana (Irish). Mir
(Russian).Amin (Urdu).Heping (Mandarin).
Heiwa (Japanese).Pyeonghwa (Korean).Ingatka
(Tagolog).Wominjeka (Wurundjeri).Aloha (Hawai’ian). Peace (Common Symbol).Peace
(Common Sign).Peace (American Sign).Peace (American Braille).