Tuesday, July 16, 2013

अΣOאن冬宮 Inaugural Correspondence 119.11.4;67;3.9

Love and Peace, Members of Our ΣO אن.


Love and Peace to our families and friends.

My name is Peter Frank Womack Johannesen Osisi, and it is with significant and humble joy that I share with you a brief description of some of the inaugural programmes offered by our ΣO אن (Asona Ashram).

Whilst this is an endeavour that is many years (and even many millennia) in the making, we are recently able to officially open the doors to our ΣO אن.  Our ΣO אن is a plural and diverse gathering place that welcomes families and friends from all religions, ethnicities, languages, cultures, and traditions.  We are currently operating out of interim facilities, a residential flat within our Coventry neighbourhood in our Φ; .僧伽.С.Σ.ω.S..サンガ..س..:*.U..ש
(University Circle Sangha), on the East Side of our Cuyahoga area:  2724 Mayfield Road #10.  We are working to move our interim facilities to a house (also within our Coventry neighbourhood) within the next few months.  And we are building our long-term facility nearby, within our UNI Village, on the corner of Louis Stokes Blvd and Cedar Avenue, God Willing, B’ezrat Hashem, En’sh’Allah, Samadhi, Om.

We invite each of you to come and visit us for some tea, coffee, and conversation.  We have a ready supply of an international collection of teas, including some from Phoenix Coffeehouse;  and some tea and coffee forthcoming from both Phoenix Coffee and 10,000 Villages.  And if you let us know ahead, we may be able to secure some biscuits, cookies, and/or something else to complement our drinks.

Today, we have a modest assortment of activities that we offer.  We have 3 weekly programmes:

Multiculture Mondays (Mondays at 19:00h):  This is an informal, organic gathering that celebrates music, art, poetry, spoken word, and additional expressions from our many different cultures.  Members are invited to share original and favourite selections, and to provide further descriptions, historic narratives, and explanations of each selection.  Emphasis is also placed upon group participation, with the entire gathering joining in within appropriate selections.  This is the moment to bring your djembe, your guitar, your violin, your maracas, your prose, your works-in-progress, your interpretive dance, your giggles, and your spontaneity skills.  We are building a cultural atmosphere of light hearts and depth of thought, with smiles and laughter.

19:30 Wednesdays (Wednesdays at 19:30h):  This is a discussion group that addresses different topical issues each week.  From comprehensive geopolitical agendae to origami and recycling, we consider different contemporary circumstances and methodologies through which we can improve the comprehensive Peace, understanding, and cooperation within our international community and throughout the Universe.  Each discussion is scheduled for approximately 1½ hours, and we determine each weekly topic on a rolling basis, for the next 4 weeks only.  The next four weeks are scheduled in the proceeding manner:

119.11.5;67;4•10:  Cooperative Economics (And The CoCa Coop System)
119.11.12;67;4o2:  Global Agendae For The Next 20 – 50 Years
119.11.19;67;4o9:  The Multiethnic Experience
119.11.26;67;4•1:  The Passivhaus Paradigm

We invite your suggestions for additional topics, and we welcome you to become discussion moderators.

Multiethnic Multiplex Presents… (Thursdays at 19:00h):  This is an international, intercultural, interlinguistic, interreligious, and “inter-additional” cosmopolitan film club.  Each week, we view a film from a different country, usually within the original language, and then we discuss the themes and issues that are expressed through the film.  There is also the consideration of occasionally convening a series of successive weekly screenings of different films addressing a similar topic, and building our discussion around a comparative review of the films within each series.  We are also working to acquire a projector to make viewing of the films easier and increasingly communal.  Until then, we invite you to bring your laptops/ipads/mobile phones and earplugs, to view and discuss the films together.  We also welcome your suggestions for additional films and series.  The next film we are planning to view is entitled, “一個都不能” (“Not 1 Less,” “Yi ge dou bu neng shao”), provided by our friends with the Confucius Institute Online, http://video.chinese.cn/en/article/2009-09/02/content_36298.htm.  This Chinese film is about an adolescent young woman who is charged with the responsibility of being the only teacher for a rural village’s elementary school. 

Within The Next 2 Months:
Within the next 2 months or so, we are planning to host and convene a number of religious- and culture-based events within our facilities: 

This includes a daily recitation (in English translation) of succeeding portions of the entire Koran throughout the month of Ramadan (regularly at approximately 17:00h, each day).  This also includes occasional, modest receptions for breaking the fast (after Sunset).

We are also planning to provide a modest meal on the occasion of the Baha’i feast for the month of Kamal (after Sunset).

We are planning a modest class commemorating the observance of Asalha Puja (Dharma Day), practised within Buddhism (and specifically within the Therevadan tradition);  tentatively at 16:00h.

We are planning a very modest, informal commemoration of the observance of Lammas, around Noon.

We are also planning to host very modest, informal, and neophyte services for the Jewish High Holy Days, scheduled for nearly 2 months from this point.  It is appropriate to provide that our ΣO אن abstains from convening these services itself;  we simply provide our facilities as a venue therein for additional members to conduct  such events, programmes, and activity.

Throughout the 12th month of our interFaith calendar (beginning in less than 4 weeks), there is a continual celebration of the experience of family, “Dias De Las Familias.”  On each day of this month, individuals are encouraged to be increasingly mindful, and appreciative of the positive family circumstances that we each respectively experience.

Additional Hosting:
For a considerable period in the recent past, up through today, our ΣO אن hosts an interFaith service on Tuesday before each New Moon, and the Tuesday before each Full Moon.  This continues.

Our ΣO אن also provides space for members, from the  धर्म עולם תקן (“Dharma Of Tikkun Olam”), to convene a daily Mantram recitation (approximately at 6:00h), as well as a Shabbat service (which, throughout the day, includes recitations from the “Etz Hayim” Chumash [in English and Hebrew], the HafTorah reading [in Hebrew], recitations from additional Holy Scriptures [respectively from Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam], Yoga, Salat, Davening, and the sharing of songs, chants, teachings, prayers, meditation, and blessings from many of our respective religious and cultural traditions).

Also during this period, we are able to accommodate a number of members who visit and stay with us.  We receive a steady supply of oatmeal, rice, fruits, and vegetables, and are able to provide regular meals and refreshments.  And we are working to build upon this.  Amidst this, we are able to host a number of interesting conversations and to provide office facilities for convening organisational meetings and conducting additional work.

Classes (Next Semester Beginning In 2½ months:  120.1.20).
Amidst the numerous activities and development of our ΣO אن, we are dedicating only minimal efforts towards arranging classes for this upcoming Kartak semester.  We welcome any suggestions for classes as well as volunteer teachers to conduct the classes.  We are making additional plans for the next Baha semester, which is scheduled to begin in less than 6 months.

Needed Resources:
Our ΣO אن operates through the contributions that are provided by our members:  our families and friends.  We are able to recently post the inaugural version of our “Resource Budget Tote Board,” http://asonaashram.blogspot.com/2013/07/o-resource-budget-tote-board-for-120.html, which provides a general description of the basic material and service needs that we anticipate for our ΣO אن for the next fiscal year (120), which begins in less than 2 months.  Our ΣO אن abstains from utilising money, and we abstain from soliciting monetary contributions.  We do accept direct material and service contributions, and we specify our annual material and service needs into smaller, incremental segments, to facilitate increased ease in making such contributions.  The idea of the tote board is to encourage our members and supporters to pledge to provide simply a segment of our material and service needs, whether it is a monthly allotment for our housing arrangement or our weekly ration of olive oil.  We also accept gift cards, and we are amenable to additional, unconventional forms of cooperative economics.  Contributions to our ΣO אن can also be made, on our behalf, to the InterFaith Settlement Foundation.

A considerable majority of the recent visits to our ΣO אن are made by men;  and some of the increasingly conservative element amongst our members solicit additional visits from women, with particular consideration towards helping us with cooking meals, tidying the kitchen, shopping for groceries, and additionally. 

We can also utilise some help particularly regarding the relocation of the interim facilities of our ΣO אن, from the current residential apartment to a nearby residential house.  This is to accommodate our members who frequently visit and stay with us;  as well as to provide proficient space and hospitality for the different programmes that we convene and host (particularly those that occur concurrently).  The intention is for us to stay within this residential house until the long-term facilities for our ΣO אن are constructed and prepared.  Do you maintain stewardship of a house in our Coventry neighbour, and/or do you know someone who does?  Perhaps we can make some arrangements.

Long-Term Facilities.  
We are building our ΣO אن facilities with the Passivhaus construction and maintenance methodology, www.passivhaus.org.uk/.  This involves strict energy efficiency construction that significantly reduces energy requirements throughout the year, and particularly during the cold Winter months.  Additional unconventional construction methodologies that we are utilising include:  rainwater collection, solar energy, greenhouse gardening, composting, closed-circuit sewaging, and additionally.  Our long-term ΣO אن facilities are being constructed in a manner that is autonomous from the local infrastructure:  off the power grid, off the plumbing and sewage system, off the gas lines, and additionally.  We are making arrangements with construction agencies who are experienced within these construction methodologies.  Given our abstinence from money, we are also negotiating arrangements to facilitate the construction of our ΣO אن through cooperative economics.  This includes advanced reservations for accommodations and programmes within our ΣO אن for religious and organisational affiliates of the construction agencies and additional OAFFs who contribute to the construction of our ΣO אن facilities;  and this includes additional forms of compensation and trade (including utilisation of the CoCa Coop System, www.cocacoopsystem.blogspot.com).   We are also negotiating with appropriate international and interreligious entities to establish our ΣO אن, and our ΣO אن facilitites, as politically autonomous entities within our international community:  beyond the jurisdiction and authority of the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, the State of Ohio, the United States of America, and additionally (similar to standard, conventional arrangements for embassies, UN offices, and additional facilities).

Within the past few weeks, we initiate a weekly vigil (Wednesdays at Noon), to facilitate the establishment of our ΣO אن facilities within the long-term location on the corner of Louis Stokes Blvd and Cedar Avenue.  This weekly vigil consists of songs and chants from our many different religious and cultural traditions, sharing messages of Love and Peace, healing and belonging.  The purpose of this weekly vigil is to prepare the land, the nature, and the people in this area for the construction of our ΣO אن facilities:  preparation that is direct and esoteric;  physical, psychological, social, political, economic, diplomatic, religious, spiritual, and additionally.

Upcoming Local, Global, Universal Events:
The proceeding are some local and global interFaith events that are being planned within the next few months:

InterFaith Iftar at the Islamic Centre Of Cleveland (Sunday, 19 Ramadan):   

Akron Area InterFaith Council Meeting (Tuesday, 6 August):

Interreligious Peace Makers Monthly Meeting (Thursday, 8 August;  14:00h at Trinity Commons on Euclid Avenue)

11 September Event (TBA):

CEIRS (Cleveland Ecumenical Institute Of Religious Studies) Joan Chittister Speaking Engagement (Canceled, 10 November;  Trinity Cathedral):

Arts Of Thanksgiving (Tentatively Sunday, 24 November):

North American InterFaith Network Annual Connect (11 – 14 August;  Toronto, Canada):

Parliament Of The World’s Religions Webinar Series (Ongoing, Internet):

NAIN  Young Adult Conference Calls (Ongoing, Internet):

InterFaith Conference Of Metropolitan Washington Annual InterFaith Concert (Tuesday, 19 November;  Potomac Area, Washington, DC):

URI Global Youth Forum (Ongoing, Internet)

InterFaith Youth Core Leadership Institute (11 – 13 August;  New York, New York;  also periodic within additional locations):

World Congress Of Faiths Annual Younghusband Lecture (With Yehuda Stolov) (19 August;  London, England):

WCF, IARF (International Association For Religious Freedom) Joint Conference (20 – 23 August;  London, England):

IARF USA West Coast Tour (14 – 21 September;  Commencing in San Francisco, California):

IARF 34th World Congress (24 – 27 August 2014;  Birmingham, England):

(Tentative) Brussels Conference On InterFaith Work And Social Activism (TBD, Northern Summer 120;  Brussels, Belgium)

Additional Resources Are Available With:

Pluralism Project:

Elijah InterFaith Institute:  Wisdom Newsletter:

The InterFaith Observer:

Contact Information.
For additional information, I can be reached at:  peter@interfaithsettlement.org, pfwjo1@gmail.com;  +1 216 534 6949 (mobile/text);  and peterfrankwomackjohannesenosisi (Skype).  And again, the street address for the current interim facilities of our ΣO אن is: 

2724 Mayfield Road #10
Within the Coventry Neighbourhood of our Φ; .僧伽.С.Σ.ω.S..サンガ..س..:*.U..ש (University Circle Sangha), on the East Side of our Cuyahoga area, Oyo, Earth, Galaxy, Universe.

For additional information regarding our ΣO אن, you are welcome to review our Prospectus, http://asonaashram.blogspot.com/2013/07/o-prospectus-11910276743.html;  as well as a compilation of teachings that guide and inspire the work of our ΣO אن, (beginning at:  http://asonaashram.blogspot.com/2013/07/o-holy-scriptures-compilation-15.html).  You are also welcome to consult with our 2-year calendar, listing numerous religious and traditional observances, (beginning at:  http://asonaashram.blogspot.com/2013/07/o-asona-ashram-calendar-120-121.html).

Your patience and consideration are appreciated, and we look forward to continuing to build with you.  May you and all beings be well and Happy.

Love and Peace,


Ingatka(Tagolog).Wominjeka(Wurundjeri).Aloha(Hawai’ian).Peace(Common Symbol).Peace(Common Sign).Peace(American Sign).Peace(American Braille).
Om. Amen.

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