Tuesday, July 16, 2013

अΣO אن冬宮 Correspondence To Cuyahoga Area Religious Administration OAFFs 119.11.4;67;3.9

Love and Peace, Friend__________________________.


My name is Peter Frank Womack Johannesen Osisi, and I am writing on behalf of our ΣO אن(Asona Ashram). 

Our ΣO אنis a plural and diverse community gathering place that welcomes people from all religions, ethnicities, languages, cultures, and traditions.  We offer facilities for prayer, meditation, Salat, Samadhi, Davening, reflection, conversation, learning, celebration, tea, coffee, and additionally.  The purpose of our ΣO אن is for us to better understand, live with, and love each other.

The interim faciltities of our ΣO אن are currently based within a residential flat, located at 2724 Mayfield Road #10, within our Coventry Neighbourhood of our Φ; .僧伽.С.Σ.ω.S..サンガ..س..:*.U..ש (University Circle Sangha), in the East Side of our Cuyahoga area.  We are relocating our interim facilities to a residential house, also within our Coventry Neighbourhood, within the next few months, God Willing, B’ezrat Hashem, En’sh’Allh, Samadhi, Om.  And our long term plans are to construct a facility at the corner of Louis Stokes Blvd and Cedar Avenue, within the location of our UNI Village, also within our Φ; .僧伽.С.Σ.ω.S..サンガ..س..:*.U..ש (University Circle Sangha).

Our means are modest, yet we invite you to visit with us for tea, coffee, and conversation.  We also invite you to visit our blog, www.asonaashram.blogpost.com, that provides additional information regarding our ΣO אن, including:

A Brief Prospectus:  with additional information regarding our ΣO אن, http://asonaashram.blogspot.com/2013/07/o-prospectus-11910276743.html;
A Holy Scriptures Compilation:  that provides increased Theological explanation regarding our principles and practises, and the teachings that guide and inspire us,
A Community Calendar:  that includes religious observances and cultural celebrations for the next 2 years, ans serves as a foundation for programming within our ΣO אن,
A Resource Budget Tote Board:  that provides a general description of the general material products and services that our ΣO אنrequires for the next year,
As well as Upcoming Events, and additional material,

As we build this endeavour of our ΣO אن, we ask for your help as we build our library.  We are interested in determining whether you are amenable with providing us with a hardcopy of _________________________, and/or any additional books/written materials from ______________________ and/or your group.

I can be reached at pfwjo1@gmail.com, peter@interfaithsettlement.org, as well as +1 216 534 6949 (mobile/text), and peterfrankwomackjohannesenosisi (Skype).

We thank you for your patience and consideration.  And I close by sharing an interFaith responsive blessing:

May we each, as individuals, find the solutions to our own respective challenges and difficulties within life.
May we, as families, friends, strangers, enemies, and communities, better see how all these solutions are interconnected and rely upon each other.
May we, as a Universe, learn how to better live with each other through these solutions.
And may our example teach these solutions well to our children, to better solve the challenges and difficulties of the next 7 generations and beyond.
Together, through compassion and love, may we alleviate Dukka and perform Tikkun Olam.
Om.  Amen.

Love and Peace,


Ingatka(Tagolog).Wominjeka(Wurundjeri).Aloha(Hawai’ian).Peace(Common Symbol).Peace(Common Sign).Peace(American Sign).Peace(American Braille).
Om. Amen.

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